Organize your life.

hēl your
creativity. .
hēl your
creativity. .

You’re missing a sense of connection because you’re missing connection to your senses.


Pronunciation / heal /

an ancient word containing 3 meanings


A Sail Catching Wind

Divine Life

The answer to your overwhelm & burnout isn’t found in productivity – it’s found in anthropology – in rediscovering and reintegrating what it means to be a human. This is, at once, an earthy and divine process that is as natural, simple, and fun as a sail catching wind.

Get Back In Touch
With Yourself

There Are 3 False Beliefs In Your Head Right Now

that are holding you back from a life of clarity, creativity, and community.

“Thinking is a mental activity.”

“Thinking is a mental activity.”

The reason why you have so much on your mind is because you have so much on your mind. Thinking isn’t designed to be an act of the mind alone. Thinking is designed to be an act of the person. The key is to learn how to consciously reintegrate your physical senses and the movements of your heart back into what you thought was just “thinking”. Once you learn how to do this, you are able to live life with the freeing feeling of nothing on your mind.

You can stop overthinking if you learn how to make sense.

“Organization is tidiness.”

“Organization is tidiness”

The word “organize” comes from the Greek word organon which means “tool for making or doing”. This is also the root of the word “organ” – like those messy and moving things in your body that enable you to live. Organization has nothing to do with tidiness. It has everything to do with action. Authentic organization does not sterilize or stunt your creativity. Authentic organization is generative and energizing. It is, literally, life giving. Organization shouldn’t kill your creativity – it should BE your creativity.

Authentic organization is your path back to play.

“Coaching isn’t my kind of thing.”

“Coaching isn’t my kind of thing.”

You either have an allergic reaction to influencers on IG or a part of you believes professional coaching is unnecessary or self-indulgent. We get it. We used to believe the same thing. Here’s the thing: personal development is a team sport. We are wired for community. We are more ourselves when we are socially integrated. Socialization 10x’s your rate of learning and supercharges your habits. It simply makes things stick. Not because “you were too weak or stupid to do it on your own” but rather because you simply weren’t made with eyes on the back of your head. You have blind spots. We all do. Coaching is the best way to address those blind spots. There’s no power play or ego trip here.

Personal development is a team sport.

Stop Putting Out Fires.
Start Lighting Them.

Who is this for?

What Other Creators Are Saying

hēl provides authentic formation and a rare form of accompaniment. This is coaching done right!
Joseph and Crystal Gruber Founders of Our Outpost
hēl uniquely synthesizes efficiency, effectiveness, and affectiveness - love and joy in one's work.
Nathan Stanley Senior Director of Talent and Leadership Development - FOCUS
I've never experienced anything like this before. I've done things for my body, or for my mind, or for my spirit, but this incorporates all three simultaneously. It's mind and body and spirit all at the same time! This is so, so helpful!
Maryann Camps Gato Accountant

Stop Overthinking.
Start Making Sense.